This is probably where I get my quiet side. To me, and I’m sure to my entire family, he is one of the most brilliant men in the world. He chooses his words carefully, hums his music calmly, and challenges you beyond measure. He served his country, is a lifetime student, and always the problem solver. Sharp as ever and influencing me more each moment I’m with him. When there’s not a clear answer, he’ll find it. And he never, ever lets you give up on a brainteaser (which I admit I get frustrated with). He’s the person I will never get to spend enough time with… the one I’ll always have questions for. I love how my Grandpère sits quietly at family events and soaks in the conversation, smiles as he sees us all together, and finds complete joy in being silent when he probably has much more to say than any of us put together.
Here is my favorite piece of work of his called “This I Believe.”
“I believe that I am here and writing this credo for one main purpose: to glorify God, my Heavenly Father. I believe this life is only a grain of sand on a beach called Eternity. I will live here until I die, and then live forever. My eternal home is my choice: up or down, fly or burn, heaven or hell.
I believe that people are praying for me, and I feel the energy of their supplicative petitions continually. I believe that one of my secondary life purposes is to share my life-saver, Jesus Christ, with others, and to share my talents, time and treasures with my brothers and sisters in Him.
I believe that God expects me to pray for his other children, some of whom I don’t even know. Another one of life’s purposes is to immerse myself in His university, the Bible, and follow its guidelines. I believe that God is never in a hurry; but he’s always on time. I believe that sometimes God whispers, sometimes He thunders, and many times He says, “I’ll be back.”
I believe that this confession of beliefs will help me grow in my faith, and I hope it will be a blessing to those who read it. I believe the best answer to the question, “Have you lived here all your life?” is: “NOT YET.”
I believe that there is nothing I can do to God, or nothing I can do for God that will change His mind about me; He loves me and will forever! I believe it’s time to leave.”
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