Friday, April 22, 2011


Loving Bing’s picture of the day to celebrate how beautiful nature is: )

I love this world. I’m “nature-y,” or so I’ve been told. To me, the earth has so many stories left untold. It’s this big miracle that people tend to look over without giving it the attention it deserves. I may have accidentally told one person too many how I dream of laying in fields of wildflowers because they are so beautiful to me. It’s a huge joke still- me wanting to lay amongst the wildflowers that sit between highways. Surely you know what I'm talking about.

I owe my recycling habit to my dearest Ashley May who will boldly put herself in front of anyone to say:

On Earth Day- remember to take care of the place that has cared so much for you. She’s a beauty that Mother Earth: )

Thursday, April 7, 2011


This one isn’t specific to the season- just about what I’m loving this Spring of 2011.

Adele’s “Don’t You Remember.” Hot, humid, disgustingly sweat filled yoga classes. Car shopping. Skype- no, not with my contractors. The hidden boxes of Samoas that I’ve made last for months. Freckles on my cheeks because the sun is out again. Shopping with Mom. Writing at 3am when my dreams aren’t enough to keep me sleeping. Finding the value in friendship. Planning multiple weddings. Not bombing my first attempt at driving stick with Dad (he was a little TOO surprised at this for my liking). ‘Free mail’ from Em and Dave. 27 being better than 26, so far. Being at home, in Charlotte. Lamination. That extra hour of daylight. Switching from bloodys to raspberry lemonade (the good kind). And keeping Guinness around no matter the season. My Aunties. Choreographing dances in my head and playing them out in the dining room when no one is home. Ester Price. Easy breezy runs, and even Spring showers.