Saturday, March 26, 2011


This one is for the ones who make you laugh more often than you thought possible. Who leave you smiling long after they have gone. Those who bring you that extra glimmer of hope when yours may just be a little low. And those who aren’t afraid to ask for it back when they need help finding it themselves. The people who add value to your life and love to places you never cared to look for it before. People who show you dedication and selflessness when you weren’t quite expecting it.

They’re everywhere: ) And thank goodness for that.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


The one day that is ALLLL yours. You have a reason to be selfish and a right to have your wishes be heard. It’s a time where you can act a little more extreme than normal without anyone questioning why. There are the surprises, the intrigue, and the celebrations of ages. I love how birthdays demand you to close your eyes and make a wish.I love the traditions that go into them and the cluster of wishes from family and friends all in one day. Of course I wish people would celebrate others more often, not just once a year… but if once a year is all you get, it better be a beautiful day.

Oh, I’m a brat about my own birthday I know- but I can appreciate the importance of anyone’s special day. It’s one thing that no one can take away from you (except all those millions of people who were born on that day too… but hopefully you’ll never run into them).

I LOVE making a fuss about people on their birthdays… and the closer you live, the bigger the celebration.