Friday, August 6, 2010

Giving Hugs

I’m pretty sure I love hugging others much more than they like to be hugged. I’ve learned to tone it down when hugging might-as-well-be strangers because they think it, well, strange. But nonetheless I’m so tempted to turn the famous ‘Anna Hug’ on them anyways. Even with the occasional, “please don’t squeeze so hard” I’m still not deterred. I can’t help it; it’s such a wonderful way to show others your emotions without having to say a word in between. I feel like a hug is something that can be given or stolen just the same… and there are few things you can say that about.

As Shel Silverstein so wonderfully wrote:

I will not play at tug o’war
I’d rather play at hug o’war
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug
Where everyone kisses
And everyone grins
And everyone cuddles
And everyone wins.

I will always be known for my hugs and that makes me, and hopefully you, very happy.